What do pancakes have to do with growing a business?

Yesterday was one of those days. A day that reminded me of the incredible blessing of working from home, and also, a reminder of what is needed to grow your business. It was a day that kept throwing curveballs my way. Never had I been more thankful for the flexibility that comes with being a work-from-home mom.

My daughter, a high school senior, dropped a last-minute request on me. She needed a baked butternut squash for her Adulting class. They were diving into the world of soup-making this month. At 8:30 am, she called me in a panic, “Mom, can you bake the squash and drop it off before my class?”

My daughter’s school is not close. On a good day, it takes me about 1.5 hours to get there and back. But if there is traffic, I can spend 2 hours in the car. This request meant that I would not be able to do much work in the morning.

So, in a whirlwind, I dashed to the store. I returned home to bake the squash and rushed it to her school.

Later, as evening approached, it was just my youngest, a ten-year-old, and me at home. My husband and older children were still out. The clock ticked toward dinnertime. I asked my youngest to let me know when he wanted to eat. He looked at me with his innocent eyes and said, “Mom, do you want me to make something for dinner?”

How an experiment gone wrong helps in growing a business

My heart melted. This little one observed my hustle throughout the day. And offered his help, knowing how challenging the day had been. He embarked on a pancake-making adventure but with a twist. He decided to use a Ziploc bag to make it easier to put the batter onto the pan. Unfortunately, this brilliant idea didn’t go as smoothly as he hoped. Batter spilled everywhere, and he was so sad.

I sat down with him, reassured him that it was okay, and emphasized that this was a learning experience. He regained his composure and even though things hadn’t gone according to plan, he was still able to continue making the pancakes.

This got me thinking about how we often hesitate to experiment and explore new avenues. When our experiments fail, we can become paralyzed by fear and uncertainty instead of viewing it as a stepping stone in our growth journey.

Growing a business requires experimenting

Growing a business is no different. It demands experimentation, the courage to try new things, and the resilience to accept that not everything will go smoothly. It’s a challenging road, one we sometimes wish were easier.

But when we have a vision and a destination in mind, we must break free from conventional thinking and take action, even if our experiments fail. After all, staying stuck in indecision won’t help us move forward.

This is something I need to constantly remind myself. It’s a marathon, not a sprint!

So, what are you currently working on that doesn’t seem to be working out as expected? Remember, it’s all part of the journey. Each setback is a valuable lesson on the path to growth. Embrace the opportunity to learn and grow, just as my ten-year-old did with his pancake experiment.

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